Last week I wrote about Ares and Draftsight, and how they where close to go full comercial (Ares only, Draftsight will be free as Mac and Win released versions), so this is it....
So, since 18 Set., what happened here? Let's go back a few days, and:
22 September - I found out that Draftsight for MAC was available for download
28 September - After reporting a bug for ARES, I received an email from Graebert, that says "BTW:
We have released a final version of ARES Commander on Linux yesterday evening.".
So this last 2 days I've been using final version of ARES, so now I'm capable of write something more about than before.
- Interface is really polished, very nice and modern icons
- It has a built in table creator (really usefull)
- I don't remember if Autocad or Bricscad, does this but in hatch window, we have "create hatch for each boundary". How many of you had to delete hatch and create it all over again?
- When in a command, line for example, you don't loose focus on main windows and you can do F3 or F8, for example. This bug is not solved in Bricscad for Linux.
- Plot works really good in Linux. I've been plotting large format drawing for hand drafting. With "DEMO VERSION" watermarked.
- I opened 15 dwg at once without a single hiccup, and changing from one drawing to another brings no problem in performance
- It has a full-screen feature (very usefull for my eee701) on view->Clean Screen, or Ctrl+0 shortcut
- Layout tab is much smaller than in beta version, and you don't need it, so if your screen is small just take it out and use "Model" "Sheet" button on bottom bar
- Real time zoom and pan is somehow slow when very zoomed out, and I haven't figured out why...
- On Beta there was an option for opening DWF (it didn't work), but in final release is not implemented, maybe in the future we will see this (afterall Autodesk has a Open Source SDK for DWF)
- They are releasing packages for every main Linux distribution.
In general is a very polished piece of software and I can say Graebert did some really nice work from Beta to commercial version.
The price of this Software is till the end of October 495€ (with 50% off).
Linux is getting easy, Correction, even more easy.....
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
DWG Cad on Linux - Draftsight and Ares Commander
This is the first Linux Made Easy Bilingual Post. I intend to reach a bigger audience in my native language, Portuguese. I hope to get to Brasil, Portugal and some PALOP (African Countries with Portuguese as Official Language). Without further delay, let's get to the post....
Today I found another Linux CAD software that will be out soon, I'm talking about DraftSight. While not available yet in Linux version it's a free alternative to other programs in 2d drawing. According to the manufacturer "Mac OS and Linux support will be available later this year".
A very important feature related to Draftsight is the name of developer - Dassault Systemes - Don't you know them? And if I mention the name SolidWorks? And Catia? Well, we are talking about a major cad dealer. Can this mean that we have competition on CAD software on Linux?
Answering the previous question - YES !
At this time, economical Autocad Linux alternatives were just one - Bricscad, but there is already another one available for download. I'm talking about German Grabert's ARES Commander. Right now to be able to try the software you will need to register as a Beta-Tester to get the download link. After installation you will be able to enjoy a complete 2D cad with DWG support. Actually from the short time that I tried out it looked a bit faster in processing DWG than Bricscad, however it looks very professional, clean looks and practical.
I present you a screenshot of ARES Commander working (This is a real production design's):

At this moment this software is commercial available for OSX, and Linux became a little late. However for what was tried out, it will be a good competitor for Bricscad, Autocad e for certain Draftsight.
It's getting even easier to work on Linux, and with a lot of choices.....
The Links to Software:
DraftSight -
Ares Commander -
DWG no Linux - DraftSight e Ares Commander
Este post é o 1º Bilingue do Linux Made Easy. O objectivo é atingir uma maior audiência na minha língua materna, o Português. Espero com isto chegar ao povo Brasileiro, Português e possivelmente aos habitantes dos Palop (Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa). Mas, continuando para o artigo em questão...
Hoje tomei conhecimento de mais um software de CAD para Linux que está para ser lançado em breve, estou a falar do DraftSight. Este software, ainda não disponível na versão Linux apresenta-se como uma alternativa gratuita a outros concorrentes no desenho 2D. De acordo com o fabricante "Mac OS and Linux support will be available later this year".
Um factor muito importante neste software é o nome do seu fabricante - Dassault Systemes - Não sabe quem é? Então e se lhe falar no nome Solidworks? E Catia? Bem, estamos a falar de um dos principais fabricantes de software CAD no mundo. Poderá isto significar que até já temos concorrência em programas CAD em Linux?
Respondendo à pergunta anterior - SIM!!!
Neste momento, alternativas económicas a Autocad em Linux, tínhamos 1 - Bricscad, mas existe outra actualmente e já disponível para download. Estou a falar de ARES Commander da Alemã Grabert. Neste momento tirar partido do software terá de se inscrever como Beta-tester para obter o link do download. Após instalar o programa poderá disfrutar de um completo software cad 2d com suporte para DWG. Actualmente do pouco tempo despendido a experimentar este software, pareceu-nos mais rápido no processamento dos ficheiros DWG do que o Bricscad, mas no entanto apresenta um aspecto bastante profissional, limpo e prático.
Apresentamos um screenshot do software a trabalhar (Isto são ficheiros meus de trabalho):

Actualmente este software encontra-se à venda para OSX, tendo atrasado o lançamento em Linux, no entanto, pelo que já vimos, será um concorrente à altura do Bricscad, Autocad e concerteza do Draftsight.
Cada vez está mais fácil trabalhar em Linux, e com possibilidade de escolha...
Os Links para o Software:
DraftSight -
Ares Commander -
Friday, September 17, 2010
Novell - Who are the mysterious buyers?
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Maybe there are many interests for a lot of companies to buy Novell, but.....
What if, Microsoft is on the run to Novell?!?!?! Novell own Unix, they are somewhat friends, they work together....
It's a strange recipe, what could be the result if they really buy it?
This time I don't have an easy answer, and neither a hard one, I will leave the conversation open.... Please leave your comments....
Friday, September 10, 2010
Biometric Hardware with Linux and GPL violations
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Today, we were doing a few more work in our office, and drilling a hole to basement, the worker made bullseye on power cable for biometrics terminals.
So I had the chance to watch one of the biometrics terminal boot. What was my surprise when I see on the small LCD a Penguin and the word LINUX.
Well this product is made by ZK-USA, and consulting their site there is some reference to Linux OS.
I didn't had access to the documentation in box but I can't see anything on their website related to GPL. I'm no specialist at GPL, but I will go deep on this tomorrow, related to the papers that came with the hardware to see if they are violating GPL or not.
On the other side at home I bought a wireless multimedia reader, and with the Manual came the GPL and a address to ask for source code if interested. I have to name that company, because I should, it's the French Dane-Elec. Cheers for them, great product and great attitude.
On a world with more and more embedded system I believe all of us should look deeply to what we are buying, if some of us defend FOSS, so let's do it.
Linux GPL don't ask for much money, is just 0$=0€, why a company that profit a lot from free raw material violate GPL?
At the following sites you can find Lists of companies who violate GPL, and the only reason i see is greed.
ffmpeg Hall of Shame
GPL Violations
Would you buy stolen goods? It's very easy to verify this before buying, just go for this websites.... And please, participate....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Linux Mint Debian Edition - 1st Impression
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It's been long time since I tried Linux Mint for the 1st time and loved it. Only problem is that it was Ubuntu based.
Well, I love Ubuntu, but it's not 100%, and after my upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 without a full reinstall that didn't went well, it came down a few points in my consideration. I had one bad night, since i needed the pc fully operational next day (its a work PC).
So I tried everything else on market, but can't handle with anything else than Debian based OS.
Crunchbang was my 1st thought, but is still Ubuntu based and their Debian distro is still Alpha and, ..... well you can understand.
And now, from behind the smoke, comes Linux Mint, with a Debian based and rolling distro...
So without further delay, let's talk about Mint...
1 - Boot Time - Nothing new, fast as hell...
2 - Kernel - 2.6.32 - Same as Ubuntu 10.04
3 - Speed - same as 1
4 - Update Manager - ok, not very intrusive with all the updates and the wonderful Mint level for update, very nice for beginners
5 - My samba share appeared on Nautilus and network
6 - Software: F-spot, Gimp, Thunderbird, Pidgin!!!!!, VLC!!!!!!, MintNanny (it would come very useful for me soon), Giver (file share), root terminal, Openoffice..... Yes, they are better than Ubuntu at choosing packages
7 - Well, everything else, just like regular Mint, very very nice......
I didn't install, but I'm sure it will be easy as Linux usual is....
Ps: I changed the installed background, just because I love this image (available on right click - change desktop background...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Linux DWG - Official Release - Bricscad v10
It happened today...
Bricsys released the official version of bricscad V10. No long in beta stage is now commercial with version 10.6.3-2 (windows version is 10.4.18-1).
So now Linux users have a CAD software capable of handling DWG file format.
Now there is no excuse to stay with windows just because you need Autocad. Bricscad is a very capable software and in many case can do better.
The basic version starts on 315€ or 395$ wich is a very nice price. Of course not FOSS, but for production is the best know alternative in Linux.
You can download a trial version of Bricscad here
Here is a nice screenshot:
From Bricscad website:
The Linux community so far had no access to .dwg based CAD, commonly accepted as the standard CAD file format. With Bricscad V10 for Linux that problem is solved and people don’t have to stick with the Windows OS just because they need .dwg based CAD.
Erik De Keyser, CEO of Bricsys, comments: “We consider Bricscad V10 for Linux as a milestone for our company. Despite doubts of many about the viability of a native Linux based professional CAD product, we are convinced that there is a strong demand for it and a huge potential for applications. Bricsys is the right company to play a leading role in this evolution. For now we want to thank the thousands of Beta testers that helped us to finalize this version.”
Bricscad V10 for Windows is highly appreciated for its rich set of API’s. Today well over 500 Third party application developers are in the process of porting their applications to Bricscad V10 and 155 applications are released. This first release of Bricscad V10 for Linux comes immediately with the complete LISP, DCL and Diesel API’s. Encryption is available for commercial LISP based applications and users can run their LISP routines without any modification. The Bricscad LISP engine is one of the fastest available. Depending on the demand of application developers, Bricsys will extend the set of API’s for the Linux platform.
Initially Bricscad will support three Linux flavors: Fedora 12 or higher, OpenSuse 11.1 or higher and Ubuntu 9.10 or higher. The English version of Bricscad V10 for Linux is available in the Bricsys e-store. The other 15 language versions will be available within days.
Bricsys released the official version of bricscad V10. No long in beta stage is now commercial with version 10.6.3-2 (windows version is 10.4.18-1).
So now Linux users have a CAD software capable of handling DWG file format.
Now there is no excuse to stay with windows just because you need Autocad. Bricscad is a very capable software and in many case can do better.
The basic version starts on 315€ or 395$ wich is a very nice price. Of course not FOSS, but for production is the best know alternative in Linux.
You can download a trial version of Bricscad here
Here is a nice screenshot:
From Bricscad website:
Bricscad™ V10 for Linux released
Sep 6, 2010BricscadLinuxV10Gent Belgium and Merrimack NH USA, September 6, 2010 – Bricsys is the first to release a .dwg based CAD software for Linux users. Bricsys NV, the developer of Bricscad, announced today that Bricscad V10 for Linux is now available
Bricscad V10 is the first .dwg based CAD platform available for the Linux Operating System. Bricscad V10, the leading alternative CAD platform for the .dwg file format, continues to offer freedom of choice to the CAD and Engineering community.The Linux community so far had no access to .dwg based CAD, commonly accepted as the standard CAD file format. With Bricscad V10 for Linux that problem is solved and people don’t have to stick with the Windows OS just because they need .dwg based CAD.
Erik De Keyser, CEO of Bricsys, comments: “We consider Bricscad V10 for Linux as a milestone for our company. Despite doubts of many about the viability of a native Linux based professional CAD product, we are convinced that there is a strong demand for it and a huge potential for applications. Bricsys is the right company to play a leading role in this evolution. For now we want to thank the thousands of Beta testers that helped us to finalize this version.”
Bricscad V10 for Windows is highly appreciated for its rich set of API’s. Today well over 500 Third party application developers are in the process of porting their applications to Bricscad V10 and 155 applications are released. This first release of Bricscad V10 for Linux comes immediately with the complete LISP, DCL and Diesel API’s. Encryption is available for commercial LISP based applications and users can run their LISP routines without any modification. The Bricscad LISP engine is one of the fastest available. Depending on the demand of application developers, Bricsys will extend the set of API’s for the Linux platform.
Initially Bricscad will support three Linux flavors: Fedora 12 or higher, OpenSuse 11.1 or higher and Ubuntu 9.10 or higher. The English version of Bricscad V10 for Linux is available in the Bricsys e-store. The other 15 language versions will be available within days.
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